Ask Dean: Changing Keys for Singers
In this latest edition of ASK DEAN, one of our members posed the following question:
QUESTION: I would really like to hear more about what other mix vocal instructors think about changing the keys of songs to fit a singers voice. That’s been a hot topic in my school lately.
ANSWER: I often change keys for singers, especially to force them to work through bridges and parts of their voice that need working on. Often, it is easier to sing technically correct if the key is raised forcing the singer to get over their bridges. A lot of song’s high notes are put right on the singer’s bridge or barely above it so it encourages them to just try and reach up for the high note, which we don’t want them to do.
Once they can sing the song in the higher key you can gradually lower it back to the original key and they should be able to sing it in the right place.
Of course, when the singer is out in public and is actually going to be singing in front of people you want to put the song in whatever key the singer can sound best in and feel confident. But in general, I am against lowering keys just to make it “easier” for the singer.
Best wishes!