Creative Scheduling
This year has taught me a lot about breaking the “rules” when it comes to scheduling. I used to think that lessons had to occur on the hour and half hour. For example, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00 and so on and that my best hours were from 3:00-6:00 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday. I have found however, that that is simply not true!
Due to increasing demands from my own 4 children’s schedules, I have had to get creative about when I schedule lessons since I don’t have as many afternoon and evening times available. Being a mother is my first priority, so everything I do in my studio needs to support this, while still maintaining professionalism.
One opportunity to get creative is Wednesday mornings. Each Wednesday there is a “Late start” day in our area where school starts two hours later than normal. This is a perfect opportunity to get Jr. High and high school students taken care of for their voice lessons before school and free up more space for afternoon students or taking care of my own kids. This helps me get more lessons in on fewer days so I can balance everything else going on in my life.
One example of how I utilize the late start is this: I get my kids out the door for elementary at 8:25. I have a jr. High student whom I teach from 8:35-9:05 so she can make the bus on time. Then I have to drop off my preschooler at 9:15 so I start my next lesson at 9:20. The next at 9:50, 10:20 and so on. I have to be done at 11:40 to pick up my child from preschool, so I have a little break in there that I adjust accordingly. This helps me get 5 students in before 11:45 a.m.! I just freed up 2.5 hours in the evening which is significant when you have kids going every direction. Go Me!
Surprisingly, people are very willing to make these times work. I thought there was no way a time starting at 8:35 would work. However, the more important thing than the start time, is consistency. If they know that their lesson time is at 8:35-9:05, they will be there from those times, just as they would if it were from 8:30-9:00, 4:15-4:45 or any other “standard” time block. I haven’t scheduled anyone at a time like 3:37 though, because that may be taking it a bit far;).
I must add that teaching lessons over Zoom have also been instrumental in making this work, because less of my private life is on display and so students don’t see my mad dash.
So, my tip for you is to make it work when it works! You don’t have to stick to a “normal” schedule and do everything on the half hour or quarter hour, or even teach only in afternoons or evening. Zoom lessons are awesome for connecting with different time zones as well and that may help you fill your schedule better with times that work for you.
Bottom line is people want to study with you and they will adjust their lives accordingly. Even if they have to get up a little earlier or give you 5 minutes to run in the house after sprinting from the preschool drop off, as long as you are consistently there for them at the same time, whatever time you have set it to be, they’ll keep coming to you!