Student Teaching

This program is designed for singers who want to become teachers and who are IVTOM members on the Accredited Track.

These requirements may be modified for experienced teachers based on a Mentor’s judgment.

To get started, you will need to:

  1. Begin studying with an IVTOM Accredited Teacher if you have not already done so.
  2. Work with your Accredited Teacher to establish a plan of action that will allow you to be ready to work with a Mentor.  Keep in mind that you are required to have been teaching for six months and seeing five students each week before you are eligible to apply to work with a Mentor.
  3. Offer to teach 3-5 students for free or a minimal fee for a minimum of three months.
  4. Recognize that any lesson fees you charge should be spent on your lessons and training.
  5. Create and enforce a studio policy to ensure that your students attend lessons so that you can fulfill the necessary teaching time to complete your training.
  6. You must disclose to all your students that you are a STUDENT learning to teach.  You are not permitted to represent yourself as an Accredited Teacher.
  7. You will continue to study weekly or every other week with your IVTOM Accredited Teacher or Mentor during your entire Student Teaching period.
  8. You will attend local teacher trainings and spend two hours per week in personal study and application.  You will report your progress and questions during your regular lessons with your IVTOM teacher.
  9. Your IVTOM Accredited teacher will observe you teaching your students for a minimum of three hours and offer feedback and coaching.  He/she will be paid their usual rate for this time.
  10. When the Accredited Teacher feels you meet the requirements to work with a Mentor, you can complete the Mentor Program Application.

Guidelines for work with Mentor

  1. 24 lessons with your mentor
  2. 12-16+ hours of mentee observing mentor teaching
  3. 12 Lesson Critiques (Mentor critiques/observes Mentee)
  4. Completion of Mentor-chosen assignments
  5. Complete Accreditation Test
  6. Refer to Second Mentor for Review
  7. The second mentor submits for Final Check
  8. Final Check/Accreditation