Mary Ann Kehler
AdministratorUnited States
Greenwood Village
Accredited Teacher, Mentor, Board Member
MaryAnnKehler is a Denver-based voice teacher, audition coach, director and writer. She has a passion for developing education for teachers and is proud to serve as IVTOM's Director of Education and Vice President. Her students include voice teachers, singers recovering from vocal fold surgery and other trauma, music educators, musical theatre professionals, pop recording artists, lead singers for pop, rock and R&B bands, classical choral soloists, worship leaders, and singer/songwriters. She is co-author of a book on auditioning for college programs, is a musical theatre director with 65 shows to her credit and is Executive Producer of Broadway Training Intensive. Her studio is in the Denver Technological Center; she teaches worldwide on Skype and has presented at three international voice conferences recently, in Austria, Poland and the U.S.A.