Peak Performance Level II




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Level II Training

Level II is an in-depth look into the Level I skills and practicing and applying them in your studio. Each week new skills will be introduced that you will practice for yourself and your students. Each week you will have the opportunity to share your experiences using the tools with our workshop group. There will be time for questions and answers. Level II is about making these tools and skills part of every lesson, performance, and day. Level II is about using the 5 Stages of Peak Performance to step out of stage fright and into flow.

 What’s included:

Seven one-hour video workshops

30 minutes of private consultation with Dr. Jon Skidmore. As part of this consultation, you will have the chance to complete Dr. Jon’s mental skills assessment. This will help you identify the important mental skills you want to focus on in the workshop.

Dr. Jon’s guided visualization: Relax the Body Focus the Mind. This is the perfect tool to help you step out of stage fright and into flow. Learn how to relax your body and visualize a peak performance. Relax the Body Focus the Mind is the only visualization tool that uses Dr. Jon’s Five Stages of Peak Performance. Explore what motivates you, create an optimal performance mindset and discover a new level of confidence in your musical and mental preparation. Get ready to relax your body and focus your mind as you prepare mentally for your next peak performance.

Admission to a private Facebook discussion group

Video Access:

The link and password for the video workshops will be provided via a downloadable PDF and emailed to you.


Contact Veronica Hodgson at with any questions.


Tuition for Peak Performance Level I Training is $179 US for IVTOM members.

The non-member price is $219, which includes a year’s membership in IVTOM

Register now!


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